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You believe? Good. So, exactly "what" do you believe and "why" do you believe it? Have you wanted to know more about God, but didn't know where to begin? Have you been overwhelmed with the size of the Bible? Who is God? What is our relationship to him? How does God communicate and to whom is he speaking?

The Westminster Confession is a 17th Century document which answers these eternal questions. In Holy Confessions' daily devotional format, Thadd Kuehnl guides the reader in bite-size pieces through the questions and answers which this incredible work has provided throughout these many years.

  Believing the Bible holds all spiritual truth, you will answer questions of God, of angels, and of man. Further examined are scripturally supported topics such as: heaven and hell, God's eternality, Jesus Christ, saving faith, free will, the sovereignty of God, creation, baptism, the Lord's supper, life after death, and the last judgment.

  Take a 365 day devotional journey to deepen and strengthen your faith. Begin today.

Daily Devotional: 365 studies

$15 paperback

All God's Truth...For All Time

There is nothing more important than understanding our relationship with our Creator. Here is the Big Question: How can sinful man stand in front of a Holy God?

The Answer: We cannot. On our own, we stand in righteous judgment. So, where is our hope?

Holy Confessions walks the reader through these and many more important questions and their biblical answers."


Thadd Kuehnl